Monday, April 25, 2011

Nepal's Annapurna Sanctuary

Early August will find me in Nepal, building tolerance for the higher altitudes in preparation for a trek in the Annapurna Sanctuary of the Himalayas. I understand Annapurna to be a gentler climb than some –“moderate to strenuous”, they say – passing first through beautiful valleys of rhododendron, scrub oak and bamboo, fields of rice and yellow millet and then eventually climbing to 4000 meters and snow-cover. Rather than porter heavy gear for camping, I’ll stay in tea houses and family-run lodges in the mountain villages. This puts some cash into the local economy in return for the sharing of their sacred mountain.

This mountain range is regarded by people in the region, and in India, to be the home of revered Hindu and Buddhist deities.

To get ready for the trek, I’ll need to spend several weeks acclimating to the altitude – a week in Kathmandu and another week in Pokhara where I’ll look for a guide while pondering the snow-capped range that hovers over terraced mountain villages and the town below. Having lived at sea level for much of the past year, I’ll need those few weeks to force the production of reserve red cells to support me through the climb.

During my years in India I’ve encountered so many travellers who described this climb and now it’s my turn! See the photos above for a glimpse of what I’m to expect (not my photos, so thanx to the photog).

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Meeting the President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

With thanks to my colleagues on the County Health Team, I had the good fortune this week to meet Liberia’s president, Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Africa’s first woman head of state. Nervous and nearly tongue-tied, I managed to spit out “It isn’t often that a man has the opportunity to meet face-to-face one of his heroes, and it is my great privilege.” Having been introduced as a Peace Corps Volunteer, the president kindly took my hand (or did I take hers?) and said, “Thank you for serving.”

Paul Theroux on "the aging traveler"

As I begin to think about “the adventure travel” I’ll embark on in late June, I’m heartened by the perspective I read in Paul Theroux’s, Dark Star Safari.

The travel writer describes how he is often referred to as “an older traveler” while on the road collecting material for his books. Now beyond 60, Theroux argues, “A face is misleading, the old are not as frail as you think. They are full of ideas, hidden powers, even sexual energy.”

He writes, “Don’t be fooled by the thin hair and battered features. In our hearts we are youthful……..for we have come to know that the years have made us more powerful and certainly streetwise. Years are not an affliction……...age is strength.”

When asked by others if he’s retired, he replies, “No, I’m traveling……not business, not work, not retirement, but the process of life…how I choose to pass the time.”

Saturday, April 23, 2011

After a long hiatus.........

I guess I've had an aversion to this manner of communicating, but I've rekindled the interest and will try to update this blog slowly over the next few months. Am writing now from Liberia where I've been a Peace Corps volunteer (again) helping one of the county health teams with public health programs -- TB, HIV/AIDS, maternal deaths during pregnancy/delivery and long-term health planning. I'll finish up here in late June and then begin some more travel for the remainder of the year. Stay tuned........more news and pics coming soon.